Infidelity in America – Why Do People Cheat?

There are signs your spouse could be cheating and you can ask any private investigator in the United States what keeps them busy on a regular basis and pretty much every one of them will reference infidelity investigations. It’s a mainstay of the industry that won’t be changing anytime soon, if ever.

Private investigators hear stories all the time, though mostly just from the person who is the victim of marital infidelity. They don’t always hear the reasons for one person cheating in a relationship, but certain facts often rise to the surface over time.

So why do people cheat? Why do they hurt those they claim to love? Why do they risk their happy lives for the purposes of instant gratification?

There are many reasons, of course, but there are ones that pop up more frequently than others. Let’s look at some of the top reasons Americans cheat on their spouses, as indicated in a 2019 survey that was published in Psychology Today.

The survey asked 500 cheaters why they had engaged in a relationship outside of their marriage. Here are some of the top responses:

  1. They Fell Out of Love. This was the top answer on this 2019 survey of cheating partners, with 77 percent saying they simply didn’t love their husband or wife any more and were looking for those feelings of love and care from others.
  2. Nearly three-quarters of respondents (74 percent) said they cheated out of boredom and that they needed some excitement in their life. It’s noted by those conducting the survey that men gave this reason for cheating more often than women did.
  3. Feelings of Neglect. In the reverse of the previous response, more women than men gave this reason for cheating on their spouses. Feeling a lack of attention from their spouse, this answer was chosen by 70 percent of respondents to the survey.
  4. Situation Forces. This is simply to say that a husband or wife cheated as a result of a situation that presented itself that they weren’t expecting. Maybe they were in a bar and one thing led to another, etc. This answer was also chosen by 70 percent of survey respondents.
  5. A Self-Esteem Boost. More than half (57 percent) of respondents said they cheated on their husband or wife to make themselves feel better and more desirable. They needed a boost to their self esteem.

This full 2019 survey and accompanying Psychology Today story can be referenced here.

There are more reasons for cheating that are included in the article referenced above, including sexual desire, anger related issues and lack of commitment to one’s spouse. But we thought we’d just mention the top five for our purposes here today.

Regardless of the reason or reasons a husband or wife cheats in a marriage, it can have often debilitating consequences for everyone involved.

If you suspect your spouse is cheating on you, it’s a good idea to have a professional private investigator look into the matter for you.

Gather the proof and then you can make an informative and knowledgeable decision about what’s best for you, your marriage and your life moving forward.

This article is written by Henry, owner of Aces Private investigations Tampa.

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